The Vanishing Points Suite 

The Vanishing Points Suite grew out of the prolonged shelter in place that began in early 2020. In this suite of works, the strips of domestically-gathered papers settle into vast shifting landscapes. Spare line work defines boxy dwelling forms that are subject to the sight lines of formal perspective.  This technique highlights our experience of a fixed and homebound, yet distant point of view during this time. These structures are upright, but lack stability, appearing fragile and idealized as from a dream or memory.

Photography by Hewitt Photography

House of Cards I, 36x36, Mixed media on panel, 2020

House of Cards I, 36x36, Mixed media on panel, 2020

Dream House, 36x36, Mixed media on panel, 2020

Dream House, 36x36, Mixed media on panel, 2020

House of Cards II (Pyramid), 36x36, Mixed media on panel, 2020

House of Cards II (Pyramid), 36x36, Mixed media on panel, 2020

Back Door, 36x36, Mixed media on panel, 2020

Back Door, 36x36, Mixed media on panel, 2020

Looking In, Looking Out, 36x36, Mixed Media on panel, 2018

Looking In, Looking Out, 36x36, Mixed Media on panel, 2018